Cultivating research in schools and the development of teachers' competencies as researchers are beginning to receive global attention. Research knowledge and skills have the potential in developing scientific skills which are beneficial for teachers to improve and enhance the quality of teaching and learning in schools. Only a few studies have examined the relationship between research experience and its impact on the practice of teachers' professionalism in Malaysia. This qualitative study aims to explore the perceptions of teachers with a master's degree in education. The focus is on the effects of research knowledge and skills acquired on self-competence and professional practice. A total of 21 participants consisting of graduate teachers were selected using the purposive sampling method. The data were collected using a semi-structured online interview through the Zoom application which was then analysed thematically. The results have proven that a masters' education has positively impacted the development of teachers; self-competence in terms of empowerment of knowledge and research skills, knowledge in the field, maturity of thinking, as well as increased confidence and self-belief. Meanwhile, the impact on the practice of teacher professionalism can be seen from the aspects of research culture, reflection skills, and continuous learning practice. Thus, continuous learning practices among teachers should be encouraged as it helps indirectly in improving the quality of education in schools. Based on this impact, it is recommended that universities constantly update the content of the programs offered to be in line with the current needs of the school education sector.