It is known that the stretching and bending deformations will be coupled together for the unsymmetric composite laminates under in-plane force and/or out-of-plane bending moment. Although Green's functions for unsymmetric composite laminates with elliptical elastic inclusions have been obtained by using Stroh-like formalism around 10 years ago, due to the ignoring of inconsistent rigid body movements of matrix and inclusion, the existing solution may lead to displacement discontinuity across the interface between matrix and inclusion. Due to the multi-valued characteristics of complex logarithmic functions appeared in Green's functions, special attention should be made on the proper selection of branch cuts of mapped variables. To solve these problems, in this study, the existing Green's functions are corrected and a simple way to correctly evaluate the mapped complex variable logarithmic functions is suggested. Moreover, to apply the obtained solutions to boundary element method, we also derive the explicit closed-form solution for Green's function of deflection. Since the continuity conditions along the interface have been satisfied in Green's functions, no meshes are required along the interface, which will save a lot of computational time and the results are much more accurate than any other numerical methods.