Relationship marketing, tries to establish long-lasting beneficial relationship through co-creation and reciprocity of value between parties involved in a given relationship through financial, social and structural bonds. Social bond, in particular, has traditionally stressed the importance of social interactions between product/service providers on one hand and customers on the other hand. According to Nichollos (2010) the theoretical concept of relational bonds has passed further buyer-seller dyad relationship and has penetrated into the relationship among customers themselves, which is referred to customer-to-customer interactions. To underline the importance of the concept of the customer-to-customer interactions in the larger paradigm shift of relationship marketing, Clark (1994) called customer-to-customer interaction as a forgotten part of the relationship marketing. In general and based on Nichollos (2010), CCI could happen either during the process in which service is delivered in the service encounter (on-site) or after encounter (off-site). In this research, the effect of positive and negative on-site customer-to-customer interactions on customer perceived value is explored and CCI interactions in a coffee house is taken as an example. Dependency orientation of customers is taken as a moderating variable to explore if the dependency orientation of customers would make an effect on the relationship between the CCI and customer perceived value. With respects to on-site customer-to-customer interaction, which is the focus of this study, there are two major categories of CCI as direct and indirect interactions Kim (2012). First one stresses indirect interactions which focus on customers' understanding, perceptions and assessment of other present customers in the process of providing service, whilst the second one focuses on customers' direct interaction with other customers through any type of verbal or action exchanges. This study is on its pilot stage, where experimental design is utilized as the research methodology to test hypothesis. After determining the dependency, orientation of participants six different treatments are planned under two experiments as direct interaction experiment and indirect interaction experiment. Interdependent Scale/Independent Scale Singelis (1994) will be used to measure dependency orientation of respondents. The scale developed by Voss (2003) is used to measure customer perceived value. Six different scenarios are written for the treatments by keeping all variables involved constant except independent variables.