Objective: Most papers on LAUP lack patient evaluation of success rate with any statistical significance. We describe a method that we use to measure the improvement in snoring as well as changes related to quality of life. Methods: We use a specially designed questionnaire, answered by the patient immediately prior to and immediately after treatment, and 1 week, 1 month, and 6 months postoperatively. Thirty-five patients were included in the study. Results: Significant improvements were observed in a decrease in frequency of sleeping in a separate room due to snoring, a decrease in frequency of awaking during the night due to snoring, and a decrease in loudness of snoring. The anticipated decrease in preoperative snoring and the actual decrease in snoring postoperatively was also realized. Conclusion: The questionnaire is discussed as an instrument in patient evaluation of LAUP, treatment in which success may not necessarily be judged as 100% reduction in snoring.