Methods: Mapping and ablation of VT were performed in 35 consecutive patients (26 men, age 55 +/- 13 years, ejection fraction 0.31 +/- 0.14) with VT and various etiologies of nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Pace-mapping was performed at sites with low voltage. Radiofrequency energy was delivered at sites with concealed entrainment or matching pace-maps. Results: One hundred ninety-five VTs (mean cycle length 363 +/- 88 ms) were induced. Sites with prespecified ablation criteria displaying IPs during sinus rhythm were recorded in 21 of 35 patients (60%, IP-positive). In these patients, a total of 216 sites meeting prespecified ablation criteria were identified and 146 of 216 sites (68%) displayed IPs. Fifteen of 21 IP-positive patients (71%) no longer had inducible VT after ablation. In 14 of 35 patients, no sites with IPs where prespecified ablation criteria were met were identified (IP-negative) despite combined endocardial and epicardial mapping in 7 of 14 patients. Only 1 of 14 IP-negative patients (7%) no longer had inducible VT at the end of the ablation procedure. During a mean follow-up of 18 +/- 13 months, 14 of 21 IP-positive patients (67%) remained arrhythmia-free, compared to 1 of 14 IP-negative patients (7%; P < 0.01). Half of the IP-negative patients had major adverse events due to recurrent arrhythmias, compared to none in IP-positive patients. Conclusion: IPs in conjunction with pace-mapping are helpful for identifying critical isthmus areas for ablation of VT in patients with various types of nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy in whom the arrhythmogenic substrate is characterized by IPs have a more favorable outcome than patients in whom IPs are absent. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 21, pp. 1017-1023, September 2010).