Motivation: Finding biosynthetic pathways is essential for metabolic engineering of organisms to produce chemicals, biodegradation prediction of pollutants and drugs, and for the elucidation of bioproduction pathways of secondary metabolites. A key step in biosynthetic pathway design is the extraction of novel metabolic pathways from big networks that integrate known biological, as well as novel, predicted biotransformations. However, the efficient analysis and the navigation of big biochemical networks remain a challenge. Results: Here, we propose the construction of searchable graph representations of metabolic networks. Each reaction is decomposed into pairs of reactants and products, and each pair is assigned a weight, which is calculated from the number of conserved atoms between the reactant and the product molecule. We test our method on a biochemical network that spans 6546 known enzymatic reactions to show how our approach elegantly extracts biologically relevant metabolic pathways from biochemical networks, and how the proposed network structure enables the application of efficient graph search algorithms that improve navigation and pathway identification in big metabolic networks. The weighted reactant-product pairs of an example network and the corresponding graph search algorithm are available online. The proposed method extracts metabolic pathways fast and reliably from big biochemical networks, which is inherently important for all applications involving the engineering of metabolic networks.