While age-differences in cognitive performance over the lifespan are well documented, less is known about differences in the cognitive performance network. We explored differences between younger (M = 38.0 years of age, SD = 9.9, n = 73) and older (M = 64.1 years of age, SD = 7.7, n = 73) adults in the connections of fluid intelligence, working memory, speeded attention, and inhibition. While speeded attention is well known to be important throughout the lifespan, network modeling demonstrated that connections between intelligence and working memory were stronger, and intelligence was more central in the older group, whereas speeded attention was more central in the younger group. Additionally, confirmatory factor modeling demonstrated that latent correlations were highest between working memory and intelligence, especially in the older group, whereas correlations of inhibition with the other abilities were the lowest. Taken together, we found notable differences in the cognitive performance network of younger and older adults, which is in line with the idea of process-specific changes in the relations of cognitive abilities.