The purpose of this article is to disseminate some of the actions developed during the execution of the project "Didactic resources: games as auxiliary tools for the transversal teaching of rules to the development of meaningful values to life in the rural world", developed in 2018, at Campus III of the Federal University of Paraiba. In order to contribute to the education of the rural world, in particular those who studied in multigrade rural schools, we used authors such as Freire (1983), Macedo (2008), Santos (2013), Tarouco (2004), among others, focusing on use of games as auxiliary didactic teaching resources. The target audience included teachers and students from rural schools in Pirpirituba, Paraiba. After the development of this work, it was possible to perceive the importance of games as facilitators in solving problems/difficulties and overcoming challenges that arise in teaching multigrade classes, demonstrating the importance of activities and respecting the singularities of each subject.