Biodiesel is a renewable and environmentally friendly liquid fuel. However, the feedstock, predominantly crop oil, is a limited and expensive food resource which prevents large scale application of biodiesel. Development of non-food feedstocks are therefore, needed to fully utilize biodiesel's potential. In this study, the larvae of a high fat containing insect, black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) (BSFL), was evaluated for biodiesel production. Specifically, the BSFL was grown on organic wastes for 10 days and used for crude fat extraction by petroleum ether. The extracted crude fat was then converted into biodiesel by acid-catalyzed (1% H2SO4) esterification and alkaline-catalyzed (0.8% NaOH) transesterification, resulting in 35.5 g, 57.8 g and 91.4 g of biodiesel being produced from 1000 BSFL growing on 1 kg of cattle manure, pig manure and chicken manure, respectively. The major ester components of the resulting biodiesel were lauric acid methyl ester (35.5%), oleinic acid methyl ester (23.6%) and palmitic acid methyl ester (14.8%). Fuel properties of the BSFL fat-based biodiesel, such as density (885 kg/m(3)), viscosity (5.8 mm(2)/s), ester content (97.2%), flash point (123 degrees C), and cetane number (53) were comparable to those of rapeseed-oil-based biodiesel. These results demonstrated that the organic waste-grown BSFL could be a feasible non-food feedstock for biodiesel production. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.