The present paper aims to identify the way in which the leadership, professional and personal skills contribute to creating an efficient leadership style, which can benefit both an organization and its employees. The most important aspects analysed in our work take into consideration how the harmonious blend between a person's professional skills and abilities and his behaviour, ideologies, as well as his approaches and views towards work, professionalism, the impact of leadership and the role held by the subordinates, lead to a complex image of how to build and maintain a successful context where everything comes together in order to achieve all the objectives proposed Firstly, we have focused our attention on the main "actor", the leader, the manager, and what defines him. Four major aspects which create the portrait of a leader have been analysed subsequently: the required qualities, his behavior, the context in which he is placed and his social intelligence. Concerning the behaviour of a leader, there has been made a summary classification where we can distinguish two main types of leaders from our days, the task-oriented leader and the employee-oriented leader. Both aspects have been analysed thoroughly, emphasizing the differences, the similarities, the pros and cons, as well as ways to improve each conduct. Further, we have brought into discussion the concept of "Situational Leadership", proposed by Hersey - Blanchard, a crucial topic whose important aspects fall in the area regarding "context". The authors consider that the development level of the subordinate is a major contribution and influence in the way leadership is being implemented and adjusted by the leader, for the better functioning of an organization. Here, we have presented, as well, an important differentiation based on the leader's approaches and his views: the directive style and the incentive style, how they work and what purposes they tend to incorporate. Others issues of what contributes to the flawless functioning of an organization and to the making of successful professionals have been discussed from an employee's point of view, the factors which lead to his commitment and job satisfaction (the quality of his work, opportunities which are provided for him, the feeling of belonging to a group, and probably most importantly, the presence of a head model, the leader) and the skills which are required from him (good communication skills, teamwork, problem solving ability, initiative, organization, self-control, desire to learn, technical skills, personal skills). These aspects and factors are largely controlled by a manager, a supervisor or a team leader, and are heavily influenced by the working environment, and that is why we attach even a greater role to them and propose them for a further analysis.