Seismic attributes are the elements of seismic data that are extracted from the seismic reflection data to create seismic characteristics that emphasize certain physical, geological, or reservoir property aspects. Seismic characteristics derived from reflection data are based on a variety of physical processes. Wave properties, including amplitude, frequency, phase, and velocity, vary significantly when seismic waves propagate through earth's strata. Because of their restricted horizontal and vertical distribution, traditional seismic interpretation cannot always anticipate the geometry and spatial distribution of structural and stratigraphical features. The quantitative interpretation through seismic attributes enables a unique use of seismic characteristics to understand better fault systems, paleochannels, and spatial reservoir distribution. Seismic attributes, such as coherence, local structural dip, curvature, sweetness, RMS attribute, and envelope, are effective tools to understand the detailed geometry and variation in structural and stratigraphical features. Comparative seismic attribute analysis is undertaken to understand better the geometries of structural and stratigraphic features using 3D marine seismic data from Parihaka (Taranaki basin, New Zealand). The results can significantly improve the structural and stratigraphical interpretation and exploration objectives.