The definition of delayed gastric emptying (DGE) after pyloric-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD) varies among surgeons. We compared and evaluated three different definitions reported elsewhere. In addition, we investigated the correlation between multiple surgical factors and recovery of gastric motility. First, 55 consecutive patients were reviewed to assess the three different definitions. Second, surgical factors affecting gastric motility were investigated in 46 patients showing no major complications. All 55 patients underwent PPPD, which was reconstructed with antecolic duodenojejunostomy, with aggressive lymph node dissection and with no mortality. The duration of nasogastric intubation was 2 days, and a solid diet started on the 12th postoperative day (median). Re-nasogastric intubation or emesis was observed in 12.7% of patients. Overall, DGE occurrence rate was 5.5%-29.1%, with striking differences depending on the type of definition. Technically, division of the left gastric vein was accompanied with significantly delayed removal of the nasogastric tube (3 versus 2 days, P = 0.0002) and delayed start on a solid diet (14 versus 9 days, P < 0.0001) compared with its preservation. Antecolic duodenojejunostomy after PPPD improved DGE occurrence despite aggressive surgery, and preservation of LGV accelerated restoration of gastric motility in our experiments. However, an understanding of a common definition of DGE is needed when discussing the outcome of the various interventions.