Background: The incidence of bone metastasis is low in metastatic cervical cancer, especially in the case of adenocarcinoma. Incidental finding of a mass located in an unusual metastatic site in the absence of identifiable primary tumor often results in a difficult diagnostic problem. Case report: We report the case of a 59-year-old woman presenting left-sided foot drop as her initial symptom. At first, after performing lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a huge paravertebral mass with ipsilateral psoas muscle involvement suggesting retroperitoneal sarcoma was identified. However, cervical punch biopsy and sono-guided paravertebral mass biopsy revealed cervical adenocarcinoma with lumbar spinal metastasis. Conclusion: Although rare, a neurological symptom such as foot drop, not vaginal symptoms, in a woman may be a first manifestation of metastatic cervical cancer, especially in spinal metastasis. Furthermore, any abnormal lesion should not be ignored because of the possibility of metastasis from the primary malignancy, especially in the current case of cervical adenocarcinoma, so a complete evaluation is always mandatory.