The paper's objective is to describe business models currently used in terms of sustainable multiple customer creation in the chemical industry in the Czech Republic, namely Section 20.1 in the CZ NACE (Classification of Economic Activities). The business models are described through a specified set of business model elements, which correspond with the presented theoretical bodies. The business models are also evaluated and benchmarked based on a custom indicator measuring business model novelty. The theoretical background of the research consists of three theoretical bodies: Sustainability, multiple customer value creation, and new business models. The research stems from the theoretical background and anticipates that the business model development dynamics drives companies to consider the reasons and conditions of their very existence. The Canvas business model serves as a visualization tool, as it is sufficiently comprehensive, analytical, flexible, and general. For this reason, it is appropriate for the research of new business models aimed at multiple value creation in any industry. Owing to the frequency of occurrence of elements in the fields of the canvas business model, it is possible to develop the majority and minority business model design representing the basis of the research.