The investigation of the vertical distribution of the zooplankton community in the temperate Lake Trichonis during four seasons in 2005, showed the existence of vertical segregation among species, ontogenetic stages and sexes within and between the major groups. In each season, the two or three more abundant rotifer species distributed at separate depth layers, while this feature was maintained during the entire 24 h period, since no diel vertical migrations (DVM) were performed. In contrast, the crustacean community, comprised mainly by the calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus drieschi and the cladoceran Diaphanosoma orghidani, showed various patterns of DVM, being more pronounced in spring and summer. Females of E. drieschi distributed deeper than males, while the copepod nauplii were found mainly in the surface layer in all four seasons. Temperature was the most important abiotic factor affecting directly and indirectly the vertical distribution and migration of various species. During stratification, the metalimnion was the most productive layer in Lake Trichonis, having maximum values of dissolved oxygen and low transparency due to high concentration of organic matter and phytoplankton. The DVM patterns of the crustaceans indicate that the metalimnion acts probably as a daylight refuge against predation by Atherina boyeri, which is the dominant planktivorous fish in the lake.