The evaluation should be performed to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, and positive impact of the learning process for students. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to evaluate the application of e-learning towards the benefits, satisfaction, and impact on students in engineering education. This study employed the quantitative approach in which samples of 504 engineering education students as the study using a saturated sampling method. Furthermore, data were collected through a questionnaire using a Likert scale, and structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis techniques were applied to test the measurement model of the research questions. The results showed that the Context, Input, and Process components of E-learning were categorized in a very good category, while the Product component was included in a good category. The findings are supported by empirical data, with a statistical T value 1.96 and a P-value < 0.05. Furthermore, the effects of e-learning towards the benefits, satisfaction, and impacts are all positively significant directly and indirectly. In summary, it can be said that e-learning can be an effective educational tool to support students in the learning process as well as a means of communication between students and lecturers.