Background The logrank test is routinely applied to design and analyse randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with time-to-event outcomes. Sample size and power calculations assume the treatment effect follows proportional hazards (PH). If the PH assumption is false, power is reduced and interpretation of the hazard ratio (HR) as the estimated treatment effect is compromised. Using statistical simulation, we investigated the type 1 error and power of the logrank (LR)test and eight alternatives. We aimed to identify test(s) that improve power with three types of non-proportional hazards (non-PH): early, late or near-PH treatment effects. Methods We investigated weighted logrank tests (early, LRE; late, LRL), the supremum logrank test (SupLR) and composite tests (joint, J; combined, C; weighted combined, WC; versatile and modified versatile weighted logrank, VWLR, VWLR2) with two or more components. Weighted logrank tests are intended to be sensitive to particular non-PH patterns. Composite tests attempt to improve power across a wider range of non-PH patterns. Using extensive simulations based on real trials, we studied test size and power under PH and under simple departures from PH comprising pointwise constant HRs with a single change point at various follow-up times. We systematically investigated the influence of high or low control-arm event rates on power. Results With no preconceived type of treatment effect, the preferred test is VWLR2. Expecting an early effect, tests with acceptable power are SupLR, C, VWLR2, J, LRE and WC. Expecting a late effect, acceptable tests are LRL, VWLR, VWLR2, WC and J. Under near-PH, acceptable tests are LR, LRE, VWLR, C, VWLR2 and SupLR. Type 1 error was well controlled for all tests, showing only minor deviations from the nominal 5%. The location of the HR change point relative to the cumulative proportion of control-arm events considerably affected power. Conclusions Assuming ignorance of the likely treatment effect, the best choice is VWLR2. Several non-standard tests performed well when the correct type of treatment effect was assumed. A low control-arm event rate reduced the power of weighted logrank tests targeting early effects. Test size was generally well controlled. Further investigation of test characteristics with different types of non-proportional hazards of the treatment effect is warranted.