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- [4] Between Hamidreza Haghdust, Plaintiff, and British Columbia Lottery Corporation, Defendant And between Michael Lee, Plaintiff, and British Columbia Lottery Corporation, Defendant Brought under the Class Proceedings Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 50 Haghdust v. British Columbia Lottery Corp. Dockets: S105520, S113596; Registry: Vancouver British Columbia Supreme Court Vancouver, British Columbia JUDGES: J.E.D. Savage J. [2013] B.C.J. No. 16; 2013 BCSC 16; 2013 BC.C. LEXIS 16 January 8, 2013 [J]. GAMING LAW REVIEW-ECONOMICS REGULATION COMPLIANCE AND POLICY, 2013, 17 (05): : 356 - 368