The accession of our country to the European Union in 2007 has influenced the development of the business milieu of Romania, but this has recorded different evolutions during the post-accession period, worth noticing being the occurrence of two subperiods: the crisis and recession period, characterized by significant oscillations of the economic activity and downward trends on short term, and the post-crisis period, marked by resumption of the economic activity and medium-term tendencies of stabilization or growth. In this context, the paper presents an empirical analysis of the evolution of the Romanian business milieu during the post-crisis period, also marked by the deeper integration of the Romanian economy into the EU and the global economy, focused on two main directions: the evolution of the Romanian business demography and the evolutions and trends of the economic activity per se. The results regarding the demographic evolutions of companies reveal important annual or half-annual fluctuations of the indicators against a generally positive tendency towards the end of the post-crisis period, all determined by favorable or unfavorable short-term influences (for example, the context of an economic environment marked by uncertainties and challenges) and sectoral peculiarities. At the same time, the main microeconomic indicators that characterize the activity of companies have generally registered positive evolutions towards the end of the analyzed post-crisis period, but also important fluctuations and differences at sectoral level, which require further detailed analysis.