Pepper cultivar preferences of Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836 (Acari: Tetranychidae) were determined by comparing its development, survival, oviposition, life table parameters and population development under controlled laboratory conditions with a 16L:8D photoperiod at 27 +/- 1 Q degrees C and 65 +/- 5% RH in Bursa (Turkey) during 2015-2016. Based on assays performed on leaf discs of six pepper cvs BT-Ince Sivri, BT-Burdem, BT-Burkalem, AHCRI-Carliston, AHCRI-Yaglik and AHCRI-Kandil Dolma, there were significant differences in egg hatch, juvenile development duration, intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)), net reproductive rate (R-o) and mean generation time (T) of the mite. The study showed that the life table parameters, r(m) (0.16-0.24), Ro (10.99-35.19) and T (14.22-16.39) for T. urticae were different when it was fed on different pepper cultivars. Significantly lower life table parameter values (r(m), R-o and T) for T. urticae were observed on cv. BT-Ince Sivri, followed by cvs BT-Burdem and BT-Burkalem. Additionally, the mite densities on pepper seedlings of these three cultivars were significantly lower compared with those on seedlings of cvs AHCRI-Carliston, AHCRI-Yaglik and AHCRI-Kandil Dolma. Furthermore, a lower survival rate was observed during juvenile development on cv. BT-Ince Sivri. Among the pepper cultivars, cv. BT-Ince Sivri had the lowest life table parameter values. Thus, the findings suggest that cvs AHCRI-Carliston, AHCRI-Yaglik and AHCRI-Kandil Dolma are more susceptible to T. urticae than cvs Bursa BT-Ince Sivri, BT-Burdem and BT-Burkalem.