Using individual credit bureau data matched with cash windfalls from fracking, we esti-mate that windfall recipients reduce debt-to-income by 2.4 percentage points relative to no-windfall controls. Debt repayment effects are 3 times stronger for subprime individuals than for prime individuals. Based on the timing of upfront versus continuing cash pay-ments, debt repayment coincides with the timing of payments but not with news about future payments. These findings present a challenge for purely forward-looking models of debt. Indeed, when we incorporate a windfall shock into a forward-looking model, the model predicts an increase in debt that runs counter to our evidence of debt repayment.(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fed Reserve Board, Int Finance Div, 20th St & Constitut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20551 USAFed Reserve Board, Int Finance Div, 20th St & Constitut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20551 USA
Univ Ostrave, Obor Teorie & Dejiny Ceskie Literatury, Ostrava, Czech RepublicUniv Ostrave, Obor Teorie & Dejiny Ceskie Literatury, Ostrava, Czech Republic