We consider change-point tests based on rank statistics to test for structural changes in long-range dependent ob-servations. Under the hypothesis of stationary time series and under the assumption of a change with decreasing change-point height, the asymptotic distributions of corresponding test statistics are derived. For this, a uniform re-duction principle for the sequential empirical process in a two-parameter Skorohod space equipped with a weighted supremum norm is proved. Moreover, we compare the efficiency of rank tests resulting from the consideration of different score functions. Under Gaussianity, the asymptotic relative efficiency of rank-based tests with respect to the CuSum test is 1, irrespective of the score function. Regarding the practical implementation of rank-based change-point tests, we suggest to combine self-normalized rank statistics with subsampling. The theoretical results are accompanied by simulation studies that, in particular, allow for a comparison of rank tests resulting from dif-ferent score functions. With respect to the finite sample performance of rank-based change-point tests, the Van der Waerden rank test proves to be favorable in a broad range of situations. Finally, we analyze data sets from econ-omy, hydrology, and network traffic monitoring in view of structural changes and compare our results to previous analysis of the data.