Thirty-five (35) healthy physically active males had muscle biopsies taken from their vastus lateralis muscle to analyze for ubiquinone (vitamin Q, UQ), oxidative (muscle fiber types expressed as %ST and citrate synthase activity, CS) and fermentative (lactate dehydrogenase, LD) profiles. Graded cycle ergometer exercise to determine the intensities corresponding to onset of blood lactate accumulation set to 4.0 mmol x l(-1) (W-OBLA) and symptom limited exercise ('maximal', W-SL) were also undertaken. Eleven (11) subjects had also recently participated in a marathon race. UQ was positively related to CS (r = 0.67, p < 0.001) and %ST (r = 0.60, p < 0.001) but not to LD. UQ was also positively related to exercise capacity and/or marathon performance (e.g. W-OBLA x kg(-1) BW r = 0.70, p < 0.001). It was suggested that muscle UQ allocation in man was related to variables describing molecular oxygen availability, respiratory activity and oxidative energy releasing processes but not to fermentation activity. UQ allocation to ST fibers/CS activity was suggested to be due to the double role of UQ: 1) as a mitochondrial coenzyme (CoQ(10)) and 2) as a nonspecific antioxidant.