共 50 条
Genetic ancestry, admixture, and population structure in rural Dominica
Keith, Monica H.
Flinn, Mark, V
Durbin, Harly J.
Rowan, Troy N.
Blomquist, Gregory E.
Taylor, Kristen H.
Taylor, Jeremy F.
Decker, Jared E.
[1] Univ Missouri, Dept Anthropol, 200 Swallow Hall, Columbia, MO 65211 USA
[2] Univ Missouri, Div Anim Sci, Columbia, MO 65211 USA
[3] Univ Tennessee, Inst Agr, Genom Ctr Adv Agr, Knoxville, TN 37901 USA
[4] Univ Missouri, Dept Anat & Pathol Sci, Columbia, MO USA
[5] Univ Washington, Dept Anthropol, Seattle, WA 98195 USA
[6] Baylor Univ, Dept Anthropol, Waco, TX 76798 USA
D O I:
O [数理科学和化学];
P [天文学、地球科学];
Q [生物科学];
N [自然科学总论];
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The Caribbean is a genetically diverse region with heterogeneous admixture compositions influenced by local island ecologies, migrations, colonial conflicts, and demographic histories. The Commonwealth of Dominica is a mountainous island in the Lesser Antilles historically known to harbor communities with unique patterns of migration, mixture, and isolation. This community-based population genetic study adds biological evidence to inform post-colonial narrative histories in a Dominican horticultural village. High density single nucleotide polymorphism data paired with a previously compiled genealogy provide the first genome-wide insights on genetic ancestry and population structure in Dominica. We assessed family-based clustering, inferred global ancestry, and dated recent admixture by implementing the fastSTRUCTURE clustering algorithm, modeling graph-based migration with TreeMix, assessing patterns of linkage disequilibrium decay with ALDER, and visualizing data from Dominica with Human Genome Diversity Panel references. These analyses distinguish family-based genetic structure from variation in African, European, and indigenous Amerindian admixture proportions, and analyses of linkage disequilibrium decay estimate admixture dates 5-6 generations (similar to 160 years) ago. African ancestry accounts for the largest mixture components, followed by European and then indigenous components; however, our global ancestry inferences are consistent with previous mitochondrial, Y chromosome, and ancestry marker data from Dominica that show uniquely higher proportions of indigenous ancestry and lower proportions of African ancestry relative to known admixture in other French- and English-speaking Caribbean islands. Our genetic results support local narratives about the community's history and founding, which indicate that newly emancipated people settled in the steep, dense vegetation along Dominica's eastern coast in the mid-19th century. Strong genetic signals of post-colonial admixture and family-based structure highlight the localized impacts of colonial forces and island ecologies in this region, and more data from other groups are needed to more broadly inform on Dominica's complex history and present diversity.