An increasing number of studies have highlighted the importance of using Technology Roadmapping as a tool to support Strategic Management and Innovation. There is a direct relationship between the Strategic Management of Innovation in organizations, with the use of tools and methods to support decision making, communication, and technological actions. In this context, we aim at exploring the environment of the Laboratory of Automation and Simulation of Electrical Systems (LASSE) of the Itaipu Technology Park Foundation (FPTI) Brazil, mentioning its importance, analogy, and adherence to the modernization plan of the ITAIPU Hydroelectric Power Plant. In a qualitative way, the main perspectives for LASSE were drawn. The alternative proposed by this work is to define a Technology Roadmap (TRM) architecture to LASSE / FPTI, to align different levels and visions. A functional perspective, specific to its needs, that help the manager to plan solutions and identify the best path for technological development.