Efficiency is a fundamental development. And, tourism is an integral part of the economy of a state, is considered very important for both social and economic development of that country. In our paper we intend to show economic and social efficiency that can bring tourism to a state. First of all, to show the economic efficiency of tourism in our country, we start from the principle of economic efficiency, by comparing the effects with the effort. Second, tourist activity, using resources available to them, generates not only economic, but also social and these effects will be analyzed in our work, together with economic and social indicators such effects and efficiency of each component separately. Also, we will show which factors can lead to economic efficiency and the social, from the general formula for determining the efficiency. Not last, tourism is very closely related to the civilization and culture, between them instituting an interdependent relationship. By harnessing the natural resources, human and financial placed at its disposal, tourism generates these economic and social effects that increase the economic efficiency, progress and civilization. We therefore consider this issue with particular relevance and importance to the growth and economic development and social welfare as a whole. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Asociatia Lumen.