This study explores Taiwanese college students' awareness and action on UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched in 2015. These goals define key dimensions wherein youth's recognition, appreciation, and implementations ignite global citizenship, therefore enhancing both employability and mobility. The SDGs have set a strong presence in higher education, but perhaps not enough as most studies have not assessed a holistic view of undergraduates' SDGs perception. In a well-globalized Chinese society where undergraduate degrees are as widespread as in Taiwan, this study aims to uncover whether higher education institutions (HEIs) in Taiwan have served as enabling environments for the growth of global citizens. Building on the government's educational reforms and individual policies, it asks: on which aspects have Taiwan excelled or receded, why, and what can our example offer the global community in sowing global citizens? The Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) grid was conducted to assess college students' recognition and implementation of each goal. A list of 17 goals and 68 items were identified from literature reviews and each item was rated using a five-point Likert scale. On the scale, the online survey enables the 1238 college students from HEIs, ranging from research to non-research ones, to rate the relative importance of the items, followed by another performance rating. We aspire analysis of the responses to allow reflection on the implementation of professional and general education, as results indicate the factors contributing to students' cognition of the SDGs. Echoing current policy in Taiwan, we intend to offer insights and recommendations to extend students' SDGs vision, ultimately enhancing youth's international understanding and mobility.