The aim of the study is to examine friluftsliv, which has been used as both a Norwegian and English term in the research literature, in relation to physical literacy (PL) in physical education (PE) pedagogies. The term friluftsliv is associated to outdoor recreation and it relates to moving and being moved in nature over a specified period of time, changing one's environment, having experiences of nature and respect for the nature and its' sustainable future. The PL discourse in the research literature does not draw on many perspectives on nature and on education for an environmentally sustainable future, especially in our present times of climate change. The research questions is: How can friluftsliv broaden the understanding of PL in PE pedagogies and include a friluftsliv- and nature perspective? We argue that friluftsliv adds an interesting nature element in the concept of PL, and we propose the concept of 'friluftsliv literacy' to broaden the understanding of PL. We exemplify and elaborate on 'friluftsliv literacy' through an analysis of data from a study of experiences of friluftsliv trips taken by students in a upper secondary school that offers the three-year education program in friluftsliv in Norway. A key point of the analysis is that key aspects of 'friluftsliv literacy', which are outlined in the study, both support and refresh the concept of PL, which especially draws on existential and phenomenological perspectives. At the same time, 'friluftsliv literacy' will problematize the concept of PL, as the PL discourse should relate more to education for an environmental sustainable future and for protection of life on earth both locally and globally.