Biallelic germline mutations in the base excision repair gene MYH have been shown to predispose to a proportion of multiple colorectal adenomas and cancer. To evaluate the contribution of MYH mutations to non-FAP, non-HNPCC familial colorectal cancer, 84 unrelated Swedish individuals affected with colorectal cancer from such families were screened for germline mutations in the coding sequence of the gene. None of the cases was found to carry any pathogenic sequence change. We then determined the prevalence of the two most common pathogenic MYH mutations found in Caucasians, Y165C and G382D, in 450 Swedish sporadic colorectal cancer cases and 480 Swedish healthy controls. The frequency of both variants in Swedish cases and controls was similar to those previously reported. In addition, we found that previously unknown sequence variations at the position of amino acid 423 (R423Q, R423P, and R423R) appear to occur more frequently in cases than in controls ( p = 0.02), a finding that warrants future studies.