Aim. Feasibility of ePTFE-covered endoprosthesis for treatment of atherosclerotic stenosis or occlusions of the SFA. This was a prospective follow-up study on intention-to-treat basis. ePTFE-covered endo prosthesis were used. Methods. From November 2001 to December 2006, 96 patients were treated for invalidating claudication, critical ischemia or gangrene. ABI and ischemia severity score according to Rutherford were defined. Morphology of the lesions was classified according to the Trans-Atlantic inter Society Consensus. Clinical outcome was investigated by ABI, Duplex-ultrasound, and luminal diameter measurements inside grafts. Follow-up visits were conducted at six weeks and six months, and yearly thereafter. Results. Significant clinical improvement was achieved in all patients. AB! increased to normal, and did not fall during three-year follow-up. Kaplan-Meier estimates for primary patency were 76% (N.=77), 70% (N.=56) and 67.7% (N.=40), and for secondary patency 86.9% (N.=85), 82.2 (N.=63) and 79.8% (N.=45) at 1, 2, and 3 years. Intraluminal graft diameters did not decrease significantly during follow-up. Graft occlusion was seen in 21/96 endografts; 20 patients underwent additional PTAs, only three patients had intragraft stenosis. Occluded grafts did not show reduction of luminal diameters on follow-up examinations before occlusion. Conclusion. ePTFE-covered endografts have excellent properties for treatment of SFA stenosis or occlusions. There was no intimal hyperplasia inside endografts, and graft occlusion occurred due to progression of atherosclerotic disease outside the graft.