Containment behaviour plays a key role in the safety framework of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The GOTHIC thermal hydraulic code has been adopted to evaluate the Atucha-1 NPP containment responses during two postulated severe accident scenarios, Station Black Out and Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident without Safety Injection Pumps (SIPs), while assuming that the external cooling of the Reactor Pressure Vessel is carried out during the transients. The Atucha-1 NPP has a containment designed to work at full pressure, constituted by a steel sphere enveloped by a concrete shell, and having an annular gap of air in between. The target of the analysis is the evaluation of the effects caused by the additional production of steam in the reactor cavity as a consequence of the external vessel cooling, which could cause an increase in containment pressure, and lead to pressure values above the safety limit. The containment pressure and temperature, the distribution of hydrogen in the containment atmosphere and the water hold-up in the most relevant rooms have been analysed as target variables. Each accident scenario was simulated using two different nodalizations, characterized by a different level of refinement. The "detailed" nodalization is meant to be the most refined nodalization according to the available computational resources; having high fidelity three dimensional details, with a high number of cells. Taking into consideration that several sensitivities were performed, the "coarse" nodalization was developed in order to lower the demand for computational resources without significantly compromising the global scenario response. Both nodalizations are characterized by high complexity in the representation of rooms and their connections. Both accident transients, for each type of nodalization, were simulated for 200,000 s. At the end of the simulated transient, results showed that for the Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident pressure is predicted to surpass 5 bar, while the Station Black Out scenario is calculated to reach 4.4 bar. The performed sensitivities were simulated for 100,000 s and were meant to understand and characterize the impact of the different nodalization parameters (geometrical aspects, material properties, BCs). In addition, due to several code anomalies identified, several other sensitivity calculations were performed in order to find a way to analyse and mitigate the issues.