The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of integrating knowledge management into the business process. This is one of the most relevant research recommendations on the future of KM (Scholl et al. 2004). The paper would analyze the way in which knowledge management influences the company's performance by using skilled workers, trainings or entrepreneurship education as a source for a long-run sustainable competitive advantage. In the first part of the paper, we had mostly proceeded on a desk research by providing a brief review of the dedicated literature both with respect to the field of KM and respectively the business process. Based on the desk research we tried to identify some future research directions dedicated to the most important ways to integrate knowledge management practices within the business process. We highlighted some of the implications of these future research perspectives on the business environment. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the companies level and we had analyzed the impact of knowledge management on the business process. We had taken into account some best practice cases. In order to achieve this purpose, we had used as methodology both quantitative and qualitative methods by using surveys for a batch of companies and interviews. By using questionnaires method we had identified some of the most relevant aspects of how knowledge management can be integrated within the business process. To ensure more audience and relevance to our results, we had debated the most important results within the interview meetings. In the last part of the paper, we had taken an overview on the important factors, which are expected to influence the performance of companies and based on that, we had suggested some possible future directions to integrate KM within business process in order to improve companies' performance. The paper ends by providing some conclusions.