The United States Department of Energy has designated Clark County, Nevada as an "Affected Unit of Local Government" due to the potential for impacts by activities associated with the Yucca Mountain High Level Nuclear Waste Repository project. Urban Transit, LLC has led a project team of transportation experts from the University of Nevada Las Vegas Transportation Research Center and Visual Risk Technologies of Nashville, Tennessee to conduct a hazardous materials community flow study along Clark County's rail and truck corridors, as well as a critical infrastructure analysis in order to assess the potential impacts of transportation within Clark County of high level nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel to a proposed repository 90 miles away in an adjacent county. These studies were designed to obtain information relating to the transportation, identification and routing of hazardous materials through Clark County. Coordinating with the United States Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U. S. Federal Highway Administration, the Nevada Department of Transportation, and various other stakeholders, these studies examine the risk factors along the entire transportation corridor within Clark County.