The influence of both the lipid composition of microalgal diets and commercial flours on the lipid classes and fatty acids of Ruditapes decussatus spat was studied. These aspects of the nutritional value of the diets were discussed in relation to the growth of the spat. Four diets were tested; Diet A, composed of 100% of the daily food ration of microalgae; Diet B, composed of 100% of wheatgerm; Diet C, composed of 50% of microalgae and 50% of wheatgerm; and Diet D, composed of 25% of microalgae and 75% of wheatgerm. The microalgal cells present a higher lipid content than that for wheatgerm. Tahitian Isochrysis cells have phospholipids and triacylglycerols as majority lipids, whereas in the wheatgerm particles, the lipids more abundant are triacylglycerols. Fatty acid content was higher in the microalgal cells than in the wheatgerm particles. The n-3 fatty acids were the most abundant acids in the microalgae, whereas the n-6 fatty acids were in the wheatgerm. The n-3 PUFA were not detected in wheatgerm. Phospholipids were the main lipids present in the clam spat, followed by triacylglycerols. Other lipid classes, detected in significantly lower amounts, included free fatty acids, sterols, and sterol ester + waxes. The composition of fatty acids in the spat was influenced by the fatty acid composition of the diet. Highest spat growth rates were observed with those diets that present a higher phospholipid/triacylglycerol relation. A negative correlation in the relation n-6/n-3 vs. growth has also been observed, with better growth rates in diets with a lower ratio. Ii the fatty acid 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 considered "essential" for marine animals were not present in the diet, they were not present in the spat either. Desaturation and elongation capabilities of R. decussatus spat were also discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.