The spatial and temporal characteristics of aerosol optical properties (AOP) were analyzed in order to find out the hotspot aerosol sources over Iraq and surrounding regions. The correlation of AOP with the frequency of dust events (dust storm (DS), rising dust (RD), suspended dust (SD)) over 12 Iraqi stations is evaluated during the study period (January 2005-December 2014). The AOP: aerosol absorption optical depth (AAOD), aerosol extinction optical depth (AOD), and aerosol single scattering albedo (SSA) at 388 and 500 nm and aerosol index (AI), are derived from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board the Aura satellite. Three wellknown spatial interpolation techniques: inverse distance weighting, radial basis function with three sub-types, and kriging with three sub-types, are examined in ArcGIS software. Statistical analysis is applied to compute the station probability of dust events and its correlation with AOP. Results showed that the spline with the lowest RMSE and MPE near zero is the optimum method for estimating AOP. The spatial mean of AAOD, AOD, and AI (SSA) have the same pattern with high (low) mean values over the south and northwest of Iraq, Kuwait, and the northeast of Saudi Arabia. The seasonal variability of AAOD and AOD over the Iraqi stations showed that high (low) values occurred during spring and summer (winter) and concluded that AAOD is a responsible component for variation in AOD. DS and RD probability is higher over stations in the middle and south of Iraq than the stations in the north. High SD probability is over Mosul, Baghdad, and Nasiriya stations. The correlation of AOP with dust events suggests that the AAOD component is more important in the study of DS than SSA and AI while AI is a good index for the study of RD and SD in the study region.