We present calculated values of transport properties (viscosity, thermal and electrical conductivities) of argon, copper and argon-copper thermal plasmas at equilibrium and non-equilibrium. In addition, combined ordinary and thermal diffusion coefficients, as defined by Murphy, are also given. The calculations are performed in the temperature range 300-25 000 K and at atmospheric pressure. For all these calculations, we use a recent theory developed by Rat to determine the transport properties like, for example, viscosity or combined diffusion coefficients in non-equilibrium plasma (note that equilibrium is only a specific case). We also take great care in evaluating the collision integrals necessary to calculate the transport coefficients (especially the Cu-X interactions). At equilibrium, our results are compared with published values obtained theoretically and experimentally. Moreover, to our knowledge, there are no accessible data for these non-equilibrium argon-copper plasmas.