e-Health Research Center(EHRC) has constructed APEC e-Health Portal Site whose address is "apec.ehre.re.kr" for serving information about e-Health. This site is offering valuable data to e-Health service providers and demanders. There are many contents about e-Health in APEC e-Health Portal Site. These contents include e-Health news, notice & event about e-Health, e-Health industry information, and documents for collaboration, diseases surveillance, industry & technology, legal issues & policy, project, and standardization. In addition, these contents are mostly obtained from a member nation in APEC. APEC e-Health Portal Site has possessed 348 collaboration items, 246 diseases surveillance items, 305 industry & technology items, 303 legal issues & policy items, 267 project items, and 267 standardization items. Moreover, contents about e-Health in this site are being updated continuously. A number of visitors in APEC e-Health Portal Site are over about 100 counts per day and a total number of visitors in APEC e-Health Portal Site are over about 54,000 counts since 2005. Henceforward, these contents in APEC e-Health Portal Site will be helpfully used for e-Health Service Providers and Demanders in APEC area.