This study aimed to highligth the evolution of the scientific production on sustainable consumption and propose a research agenda. Thus, a study was carried out in the tight of bibliometrics and collaborative networks, in which articles on sustainable consumption published in the Scopus database were analyzed. In order to carry out a global survey of articles on the topic, the most common English expressions used in the scientific literature on the subject were adopted as a reference: sustainable consumption, green consumption, environmental consumption, organic consumption, social consumption and ecologic consumption - totaling a sample of 994 articles. The results show that, in general, there was an evolution of scientific production on the subject, with a greater concentration of articles between the years 2010 to 2019. Regarding the most profitable journal, the Journal of Cleaner Production stood out, with a total of 203 publications, and the author who most published on the topic was Schrader, U., linked to Technische Universitat Berlin, in Germany, with 8 articles. With regard to co-authorship networks, four different clusters of co-authorship networks were registered. Regarding the coupling of words, three clusters were found that suggest different currents of research on the topic. Finally, the study contributes to the field of research in sustainability as it makes it possible to observe research trends on sustainable consumption, serving as a framework for the identification of research gaps and for proposing an agenda for future research on the topic.