Purpose Simulation-based optimization is a decision-making tool for identifying an optimal design of a system. Here, optimal design means a smart system with sensing, computing and control capabilities with improved efficiency. As compared to testing the physical prototype, computer-based simulation provides much cheaper, faster and lesser time-and resource-consuming solutions. In this work, a comparative analysis of heuristic simulation optimization methods (genetic algorithms, evolutionary strategies, simulated annealing, tabu search and simplex search) is performed. Design/methodology/approach In this work, a comparative analysis of heuristic simulation optimization methods (genertic algorithms, evolutionary strategies, simulated annealing, tabu search and simplex search) is performed. Further, a novel simulation annealing-based heuristic approach is proposed for critical infrastructure. Findings A small scale network of 50-100 nodes shows that genetic simulation optimization with multi-criteria and multi-dimensional features performs better as compared to other simulation optimization approaches. Further, a minimum of 3.4 percent and maximum of 16.2 percent improvement is observed in faster route identification for small scale Internet-of-things (IoT) networks with simulation optimization constraints integrated model as compared to the traditional method. Originality/value In this work, simulation optimization techniques are applied for identifying optimized Quality of service (QoS) parameters for critical infrastructure which in turn helps in improving the network performance. In order to identify optimized parameters, Tabu search and ant-inspired heuristic optimization techniques are applied over QoS parameters. These optimized values are compared with every monitoring sensor point in the network. This comparative analysis helps in identifying underperforming and outperforming monitoring points. Further, QoS of these points can be improved by identifying their local optimum values which in turn increases the performance of overall network. In continuation, a simulation model of bus transport is taken for analysis. Bus transport system is a critical infrastructure for Dehradun. In this work, feasibility of electric recharging units alongside roads under different traffic conditions is checked using simulation. The simulation study is performed over five bus routes in a small scale IoT network.