This article was created to explain about the role of civic education to empower civic activism. Learning civics education in the field are still oriented on mastering the theory and memorize, the school curriculum tends to be stiff and full load will become unattractive and unable to cultivate creativity in students so the success of the learning process being hampered. During this time, the civic education learning focus solely to the understanding and mastery of the material from the learning of civic education course. In practice, students are only allowed as objects to measure how much students can master the materials given by the teacher. This certainly will only sharpen the student's cognitive and ignores the psychomotor aspects and ignores the attitude. This kind of education does not prepare students to be able to interact with both their environment when they later assimilated into society. After conducting a study of the literature, the authors can say that civic education is perfect to strengthen civic activism. It is in accordance with the goals of citizenship education in General which is "to form good citizens (to be a good citizen)". Through this article the author recommends changing the paradigm of civic education educator long conventional civic education toward understanding put forward not only theory but also a learning experience. So being able to empower civic activism to the maximum.