Plasma insulin levels were assayed to compare with earlier reported rhythms of the cardiovascular, autonomic, and neuroendocrine systems in 10 resting normal adults over 5-6 h. Our earlier report included time-series analysis for impedance cardiography measures of stroke volume, heart rate, cardiac output, thoracic fluid index, ejection velocity index, and ventricular ejection time; automated cuff measures of systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures; the nasal cycle as a marker of lateralized autonomic tone; and indwelling venous catheters for sampling blood every 7.5 min to assay for adrenocorticotropic hormone, luteinizing hormone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Insulin was later assayed from the same plasma samples. Time-series analysis using the fast orthogonal search method of Korenberg detected insulin periodicities at ranges of 220-340, 115-145, 70-100, and 40-65, with significance across subjects at ranges of 115-145, 70-100, and 40-65 min. Significant periods for the other parameters were reported earlier at 220-340, 170-215, 115-145, 70-100, and 40-65 min, with periods at 115-145, 70-100, and 40-65 min dominating across parameters. These results suggest that insulin secretion has a common pacemaker (the hypothalamus) or a mutually entrained pacemaker with the autonomic, cardiovascular, and neuroendocrine systems.