To better understand the factors affecting tourists and their perceived value, this article designed perceived tourist value factor questionnaire of Chongming Dongtan wetland. Then, this article re-used factor analysis to extract eight common factors from data of the questionnaire, and built tourist perceived value-driven dimensional model from the visitors and tourists perceived loss and profits. The results of IPA grid map analysis showed as followings. At first, Dongtan wetlands need to focus on maintaining the status quo, or further improving the advantage of increased dimension of brand, and security, tourism resources, and emotional value; Secondly, Dongtan need to take measures to improve the service to enhance the dimension of tourism and tourism support systems; Thirdly, it is of importance to reduce the negative dimension of the cost of money, non-monetary costs and social costs; Finally, Chongming Dongtan wetland should protect the natural environment and landscape context, and gradually promote the infrastructure, and gradually perfect the system, ensure the quality of travel to attract tourists and visitors, and ultimately reach the goal of sustainable development.