The Health Information System (HIS) in Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia (MOH-RI) was developed for supporting the policy and strategy in health program management. However, the decision making process has not been supported completely by the 'promising' HIS. Information is often duplicate and in consistence within several program controllers in central level of MOH, out of date as impact of long access path from grass root area and need many efforts to comply the over all conditions. Hence, it spends many resources to keep those systems operable. The condition is becoming more complex because central level has its hierarchical structure to the lower level, namely provincial level, district level down to the grass root level e.g. health centers and hospitals, since they have providers in various units. The effort of simplified the HIS has been started about 10 years ago, yet it has not brought any acceptable system. The health crisis for several provinces was started in 1998. Yet, no fast and accurate information available for supporting the donation programs in nutrition and other health supports. The health paradigm with the vision of Healthy Indonesia 2010 was launched in 1999. It has changed the approach of curative and rehabilitative to the promotion and prevention programs for the health services. In further, the Law No. 22 and No. 25 year 1999 has legitimated the limited authority for central and more authority for regional level. Those lead to the implementation of regional autonomy in health sector, Actually since midyear 1998, the new approach of integrated information system has been introduced to all Directorate Generals within MOH-RI. Meanwhile the effort in building data bank in the information pyramid is also being proposed especially in anticipating the autonomy and decentralization implementation to keep the suitable environment for National Health Information System development. It would reduce information, redundancy through the one gate policy (OGP) approach and eventually create the information consistency. The study research of Assessment in Sustainability of Health Care Delivery System (HCDS) has formally started in early year 2000. The main aspects of critical success factors (CSF-s) in Health Care Delivery System (HCDS) have been considered in keeping the health services sustained. It was analyzed in the creation of distributed data base management system (DBMS) within the networking system, from central to province, district up to grass root area. The observation to monitoring and evaluation for further feasibility growth of the integrated system has been exposed for two provinces, which are DKI Jakarta and West Java. Some recommendations for transition period of existing system to the new one, as well as the alternative mechanism of Management Information System, for central and regional level and link among them, are explained within the scope of sustainability of HCDS. It is hoped that the model would be recommended for further implementation in nation wide for the sustainability of health care delivery system.