In [V.V. Fedorchuk, Questions on weakly infinite-dimensional spaces, in: E.M. Pearl (Ed.), Open Problems in Topology II, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007, pp. 637-645; V.V. Fedorchuk, Weakly infinite-dimensional spaces, Russian Math. Surveys 42 (2) (2007) 1-52] classes w-m-C of weakly infinite-dimensional spaces. 2 <= m <= infinity, were introduced. We prove that all of them coincide with the class wid of all weakly infinite-dimensional spaces in the Alexandroff sense. We show also that transfinite dimensions dim(wm) introduced in [V.V. Fedorchuk, Questions on weakly infinite-dimensional spaces, in: E.M. Pearl (Ed.), Open Problems in Topology II, Elsevier. Amsterdam, 2007, pp. 637-645; V.V. Fedorchuk, Weakly infinite-dimensional spaces, Russian Math. Surveys 42 (2) (2007) 1-52], coincide with dimension dim(w2) = dim, where dim is the transfinite dimension invented by Borst [P. Borst, Classification of weakly infinite-dimensional spaces. I. A transfinite extension of the covering dimension, Fund. Math. 130 (1) (1988) 1-25]. Some topological games which are related to countable-dimensional spaces, to C-spaces, and some other subclasses of weakly infinite-dimensional spaces are discussed. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.