In this study, cost-speed relationship for high speed railways was examined and optimum economic speed was investigated. The Eskis, ehir-Ankara section of the Istanbul-Ankara railway line, which is still under construction, was taken as the sample. This section has been completed and test runs are being conducted. The new line is constructed parallel to the old railway line and the operation speeds and operation forms of the trains on this line are not yet finalized. It is not yet clear what the maximum operation speeds of the trains will be and whether the operation will be restricted to only high speed passenger trains or a combination of passenger and freight trains will be used. Therefore, cost changes associated with speed for both operations were examined in the study. The speed for the lowest cost was investigated for the benefit of the operating institute. The rail line is scheduled to begin operation in 2010, and as such demand estimation values for 2010 and unit cost values of Turkish State Railways (TCDD) were utilized. Only construction and operation costs were analyzed, societal costs were not included in the study. Several costs were formulated independent of the speed, whereas the majority of them were formulated and calculated based on speed. Finally, the contribution of each studied cost component, in the total cost, and variations in these costs and total cost for different speeds for both operation conditions were analyzed in this study. It was found that some cost components increased and some decreased as the speed increases. Total cost, which includes all the cost components studied, initially dropped off then rose up as the speed incrementally increases. Minimum cost occurred at 200 km/h in the case of operating with only passenger trains, while it occurred at the second speed level in combined operation (where passenger trains are at the speed of 200 km/h and freight trains are at the speed of 90 km/h).