Objectives There is limited knowledge on the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) among urogynecology patients. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of screening high risk of OSA (HR-OSA) in an ambulatory urogynecology clinic. Methods Women presenting for a new patient visit to a single outpatient urogynecology clinic for any indication were screened for eligibility. Patients were included if they were 18 years or older, English speaking, nonpregnant, and not using treatment for OSA. Participants completed the STOP-BANG questionnaire to screen for OSA and additional questionnaires to assess the presence and classification of nocturia and urinary incontinence. Results Among 130 participants, the prevalence of screening HR-OSA was 38.5%. Characteristics associated with screening HR-OSA included hypertension (P< 0.001), diabetes (P=0.003), untreated sleep apnea (P< 0.001), body mass index >= 30 kg/m(2)(P< 0.001), and age >50 years (P< 0.001). Participants who screened HR-OSA were more likely to have bothersome bladder symptoms of nocturia (P< 0.001), nocturnal enuresis (P< 0.001), higher urinary distress inventory scores (P< 0.001), and incontinence severity index scores (P< 0.001). On multivariable analysis, age >50 years (odds ratio [OR], 7.54), hypertension (OR, 4.04), body mass index >= 30 kg/m(2)(OR, 3.98), and nocturial enuresis (OR, 2.26) remained significantly associated with screening HR-OSA. Average time to complete the STOP-BANG was 1.2 minutes. Conclusions The prevalence of OSA among urogynecology patients is high, and screening is not time prohibitive. Patients who screen HR-OSA have more bothersome bladder symptoms. Providers should consider screening urogynecology patients for OSA, especially patients who are 50 years or older, are obese, and have nocturnal enuresis.