Asia has the fastest economic growth rate in the world, which has led to the development of its meat consumption culture. With a rapid increase in meat consumption across Asia, people are concerned about the negative impacts of meat consumption and production on the global environment, energy footprint, human health, social responsibility, and animal welfare. In response, a technology known as high-moisture extrusion cooking (HMEC) has been developed to produce high-moisture meat analogues (HMMA) that can mimic the fibrous and layered structure, texture, functional, and sensational properties of muscle meat. Both HMEC technology and HMMA have been well accepted and widely utilized in European countries, while they are still in the novice stage in Asian countries. This article briefly introduces meat consumption trends and different methods for the preparation of meat-based cuisines in three Asian countries, including South Korea, China, and Japan. A general explanation about the making of IHMMA using HMEC technology is provided. The textural stability of HMMA after cooking, a comparison of HMMA with muscle meats, and future research needs for the Asian region are discussed.