Objective: Although clinicians recognize the importance of breastfeeding for child health, breastfeeding initiation can be limited by maternal characteristics such as race/ethnicity, age at first birth, and educational attainment. We hypothesized that the strong influence of prior infant feeding experiences on multiparous women's decision to initiate and continue breastfeeding may mean that these maternal characteristics influence breastfeeding more strongly for primiparas than multiparas. Materials and Methods: Using PRAMS (Phase 8) survey data from 2016 to 2017, we analyzed mothers' responses to the supplemental question about parity, "Before you got pregnant with your new baby, did you ever have any other babies who were born alive?" Study variables were summarized by using weighted means and proportions and compared according to parity by using Wald tests. In the overall cohort, we evaluated the interaction between parity and each covariate by using logistic regression. Results: In our sample (N = 20,694), 40% of respondents were first-time mothers, and 88% had initiated breastfeeding. Primiparas were more likely to breastfeed than multiparas (92% versus 86%; p < 0.001), but they had shorter mean breastfeeding duration. On unadjusted analysis, four covariates were more strongly associated with breastfeeding initiation among primiparas than multiparas (maternal age, educational attainment, receiving breastfeeding information from a nurse or other medical professional, and receiving breastfeeding information from family or friends). Conclusions: Breastfeeding initiation is impacted more strongly by maternal characteristics for primiparas than multiparas.