Background: Recent technological innovations which adapted from tourism sector have a decisive impact on the traveler experience. The rapid growth of the Internet usage, confirms that websites consist a critical competitive resource for tourism firms. In this dynamic environment, it is important for online travel agencies to fully understand what aspects of the website affect the perceived quality and to provide web services that fulfil online consumers' needs. The main goal of the study was to investigate the effect of perceived quality on customers' overall satisfaction, and purchase intentions of online travel agency services. Methods: The sample consisted of 346 internet users who had visited an online travel agency in less than one year, 192 of whom were women (55.5%) and 154 men (44.5%), and their age ranged from 18 to 62, with the majority of participants belong to the age category of 18-25 years old (26.6%). Data collection was performed through an electronic questionnaire, which was based on WebQual of Loiacono et al. (2007). The results: Results indicated that among all the quality factors, the ease of understanding, response time, and the website intuitive operation (ease to use and navigation) emerged as the most important. Quality perception was significantly different in terms of gender, age and educational level. Also, the perceived quality needs and purchase intentions were different for browsers and purchasers. With regard to the Internet user profile, the annual amount spending on online booking, the reasons of booking and the reason of visiting the website, seemed to influence the perceived quality. Correspondingly, purchase intentions were found to be affected by the reasons of booking and the reason of visiting the website. Finally, a positive correlation was found between the overall perceived quality and purchase intentions. Conclusions: The results of this study are considered important for practitioners in the online travel sector, by identifying significant factors that affect online consumers' willingness to purchase and will also contribute to building the concept of online travel agency quality performance.