Replenishment and pricing decisions are of great importance to firms. Traditionally replenishment and pricing strategies are determined by separate units of a firm, the former by production and the latter by marketing. In determining these two strategies, firms frequently have to face two challenges. One stems from a lack of coordination between production and marketing, which leads to revenue loss or excess inventory. The other is caused by lack of information when making these two decisions. That is, firms usually have to make decisions when market information is poor. We consider the joint effects of coordination and information when market demand becomes more variable in the sense of a specific mean preserving transformation. We have three main findings. First, when these two strategies are coordinated by the Headquarters (HQ) of the firm, the HQ uses pricing and inventory as two instruments to manage uncertainty. How exactly increasing demand variability affects the decisions depends on the type of demand uncertainty faced. In particular, for additive demand uncertainty, both price and service level decrease in demand variability, whereas for multiplicative demand uncertainty, they both increase in demand variability. Second, the value of information increases with the level of demand variability, suggesting that it is more beneficial to have information when demand is more variable. The impact of demand variability on the value of coordination, however, is indeterminate. Furthermore, perfect information has more value than perfect coordination if and only if demand variability is high. Third, coordinating these two decisions reduces the value of obtaining the demand information and similarly coordination is more valuable when the demand information is unavailable than otherwise.